

医院管理专家 > 医院管理
特邀专家 常悦
添加人: 孙凤霞     添加时间:2024年12月25日     阅读: 1528 次     来源:中国民族卫生协会卫生健康技术推广平台


常悦,女,贵州医科大学医药卫生管理学院副院长,教授,流行病与卫生统计学博士,博导、硕导、海外研究生导师,贵州医科大学骨干教师,现任中国民族卫生协会培训部特邀专家,PLoS One杂志学术编辑、中国抗生素杂志青年编委,BMJ open等十余个杂志审稿专家,NSFC通讯评审。主要研究方向为医药政策研究、流行病与卫生统计学研究。近5年承担了国家级自然科学基金、省部级、地厅级纵向、横向课题10余项,以一作或第一通讯作者在SCI、北图核心期刊上发表文章30余篇,指导学生多次获得国家级、省级、校级论文及创新创业赛一等奖。




1.Ling Liu , Lei Wang , Hanni Zhou, Junli Yang, Wenju Wang, Xiaobo Luo, Yue Chang *. Feedback Intervention for the Control of Glucocorticoid Prescription in Primary Care Institutions: A Cluster Randomized Cross-Over Controlled Trial in Southwest China. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2024;17:49-63.

2.骆小波,李晓弈,刘玲,黎昌兰,常悦*. 2010-2021年中国不同人群自杀死亡流行特征及疾病负担分析[J].疾病监测,2023,38(11):1391 − 1397.

3.Xiaoyi Li, Zhen Zeng, Xingying Fan, Wenju Wang, Xiaobo Luo, Junli Yang, Yue Chang*. Trends and Patterns of Systemic Glucocorticoid Prescription in Primary Care Institutions in Southwest China, from 2018 to 2021. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2023;16:2849-2868.

4.Changlan Li, Zhezhe Cui, Du Wei, Quan Zhang, Junli Yang, Wenju Wang, Xiaobo Luo, Yue Chang*. Trends and patterns of antibiotic prescriptions in primary care institutions in Southwest China, 2017-2022. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2023;16:5833–5854.

5.Du Wei, Yue Chang*, Qi Chen, Qin Wang, Hanni Zhou, Shengyan Wu, Xiaomin Xian, Zhezhe Cui. Development and Application of a Reference Manual for Diagnosis and Rational Use of Antimicrobial Agents for Outpatient Primary Care (Digestive System Part): A Delphi study. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2023;16:5433-5451.

6.Junli Yang, Zhezhe Cui, Xingjiang Liao, Xun He, Lei Wang, Du Wei, Shengyan Wu, Yue Chang*. Effects of a feedback intervention on antibiotic prescription control in primary care institutions based on a Health Information System: a cluster randomized cross-over controlled trial. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.2023;33:51-60.

7.Wenju Wang, Shitao Yu, Xunrong Zhou, Lei Wang, Xun He, Hanni Zhou, Yue Chang*. Antibiotic prescribing patterns at children's outpatient departments of primary care institutions in Southwest China. BMC primary care. 2022;23(1):269.

8.Yue Chang*, Zhezhe Cui, Guanghong Yang, Xun He, Lei Wang, Xin Zhang, Lei Tang, Effect of an unifaceted and multifaceted intervention on antibiotic prescription control for respiratory diseases: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Medicine. 2022;101(41):e30865.

9.Luo Xiaobo, Shitao Yu, Zhen Zeng, Xunrong Zhou, Yuxi Liu, Lei Wang, Jiaqi Hu, Yue Chang*. Systemic glucocorticoid prescriptions pattern and factors of inappropriate use in primary care institutions of Southwest China. Frontier in Public Health. 2022 ;10:952098.

10.Yue Chang*, Yuanfan Yao, Zhezhe Cui, Guanghong Yang, Duan Li, Lei Wang, Lei Tang. Changing antibiotic prescribing practices in outpatient primary care settings in China: study protocol for a health information system-based cluster-randomised crossover controlled trial. PLoS One. 2022;17(1):e0259065.

11.汪琴, 常悦*, 崔哲哲, 于时涛, 王蕾, 樊兴颖.基层医院细菌感染性疾病诊断和评价合理使用抗菌药物建议手册(呼吸系统部分)编制[J].医药导报.2022,41(5): 112-121.

12.Yue Chang*, Rassamee Sangthong, Edward B McNeil, Lei Tang, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong. Effect of a computer network-based feedback program on antibiotic prescription rates of primary care physicians: A cluster randomized crossover-controlled trial. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2020;13(9):1297-1303.

13.Xiaomin Xian, Li Li, Jing Ye, Wenxiu Mo, Dabin Liang, Minying Huang, Yue Chang*, Zhezhe Cui. Betaine and I-LG may have a predictive value for ATB: A causal study in a large European population, Plos One, 2024 (7), e0306752.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0306752.

上一位专家: 胡清泉 下一位专家: 陈嘉